Assomption France

Réseau d’éducation, révélateur de talents

Réseau d’éducation, révélateur de talents

Thanksgiving, une action de grâce, fêtée dans tout l'établissement Assomption Lochabair à Cannes.
L'Assomption Lochabair fête Thanksgiving dans toutes les classes

We celebrated Thanksgiving « L’action de grâce » differently through the classes :
• In maternelle we explored the cultural event of Thanksgiving in parallel to our ongoing discovery of weather, seasons and nature. The children did a craft project to make a turkey from leaves they collected during recess.

• The CP chose to give thanks as gratitude cards or trees with thankful messages on their leaves.

• In CM, after explaining the story of Thanksgiving in North America, students from CM1 classes made beautiful turkeys with paper plates, paint and a lot of imagination.

• While the CM2 classes made pumpkin pies. They ate them with whipped cream the next day. YUM !!

Everyone had a great time and got to reflect on what we are thankful for !

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